Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Hamburger bad, fries bad, coca-cola bad. There you go, I said it, drink your water people!"

So I started P90X today... The only reason I look happy in this picture is because I just finished the session for the day and I'm tripping balls on endorphins.

Riding my bike the 3.5 miles back home usually takes a healthy 10+ minutes. Today it took 20 at least. I want to rip off my legs and set them in ice so I can just wheel around on my rolling chair. Just so long as I don't have to do any more parallel frog lunges, jumping squats or trench jumps. The uptake from today, other than the physical foundation for a new set of 6 pack abs, is the insane mumbling that escapes Tony Horton's mouth.

This guy is crazy. No, I don't think you understand, this guy is insane. Clinically. He says the most random, almost nonsensical gibberish that always turns into a weird sort of cult catchphrase.

My favorite Tony Horton moments so far:
  • "Are you ready?....'cause its comin'!"
  • "That's why they call her 'Blam'."
  • "She makes Gumby look like the Tin-Man...vruuuup."
  • "Did you get your tickets?. To where? To the gun show"
  • "Ab Ripper X. I hate it, BUT I LOVE IT"
Gotta get ready for your arrival. I don't know how much I can do in two weeks but I'm sure Tony can give me some good tips on how to maximize my workout time. I love you and I can't wait to see you.

BTW that's my coach, Dave Noble, in the middle and Ivan on the right. Three strapping young men.

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