Monday, July 19, 2010

Calculators and Canadians

Hi Hi. I took this in stats class, or "stat-is-tics" as the professor inadvertently butchers it everyday, when our break for lunch started. It's not the most creative picture but I hope you like it and understand how many people gave me some very perturbed stares as as I assembled my desk into some clandestine order and proceeded to take half a dozen pictures.

Kind of a crazy day for me considering the most energy I expended last week was from either taking out the trash or going to the fridge during breaks from playing videogames.

Today, I managed to successfully contest my parking ticket I got when I was showing Eric around campus, drop off and subsequently get back my bike from the repair shop, communicate my plans about the lease agreement with my landlord, get the obligations paper for studying abroad filled out, copied and returned, found a doctor that would accept my new insurance and sign the health waiver I need to for Spain and spent over an hour and a half talking to technical assistance about my broken scanner.

Why I didn't take any pictures of doing all of these things is beyond me. I guess I'm not very used to documenting my life. I'll try harder tomorrow.

Sorry we didn't get to really talk today and how weird I was being about getting all of these things done. For some reason I was really intent on calling you at the end of the day to explain everything and I didn't want to give anything away. My weird reasoning, I guess. I was just excited to actually have something to tell you about my day and now I'm writing it out instead of actually telling you. I don't think this is how it's supposed to work.

Anyway, I wish you were here with me today. You would have made it much more tolerable to run around town getting all of these errands done. The tech guy I called from HP was pretty funny (and Canadian!), and while the first hour was spent working on the computer, we were pretty much chatting it up the last 20-30 minutes. He actually said "Eh" once and I couldn't help but laugh. I told him I was happy to have another Canadian friend because it had been too long since I knew someone from the great country up north. I don't think he knew how to react to that, eh. The funny conversations we get into everyday; life is aboot the people Leah, it's aboot the people.

Well I have to start working on some homework now, but I want to tell you I love you and I miss you. We're going to have so much fun when you get here! BTW sweet romper, yo.

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